More about my interests outside of work

Computing related

As you'd expect from looking at my work and training I'm very interested in computing in general, especially in the design and development of programs. I enjoy developing in many different languages and spend most of my time working with Java and Perl these days in addition to web development using PHP and plain old HTML and javascript. In the past I've developed with many different languages including Lisp, C, C++ and have even dabbled in Fortran when required. I also enjoy playing around with databases where they can be useful for the tools I develop. Typically I use Postgresql, which I've found much more intuitive than mySQL and other systems that I've used in the past.

I'm a keen supporter of open source software and have used Linux for several years both for desktop and server machines. My current distribution of choice is Debian. In the future, I'd like to contribute to an open source project, but have not yet found the time or a project to which I feel I could usefully contribute.

In addition to Linux I am a closet Mac fan, using a Mac both as one of my main work machines and as my home machine. I like the simplicity of their design and love the way that most of the time they just work. Also, the Unix underpinnings can't hurt!

General interests

Outside of work I like to fill my time with various different activities. I like to spend time outdoors and enjoy mountain biking (occasionally venturing to Thetford forest, which has several good cycle tracks ranging from the easy to the very technical.

I have recently started playing golf, although I'm definitely not very good yet and routinely take more than twice the par to get around the course. I aim to improve this in the near future and to learn to consistently lift the ball more than two feet above the ground!

Another sport that I have recently started to enjoy is snooker. Again, I'm not particularly good and have only managed a highest break in the high twenties, but I enjoy the challenge and hope that one day I'll be able to pot more than 4 or 5 balls in a row!

In addition to these outdoor activities I enjoy spending time playing computer games and have recently become addicted to Guitar Hero III! Unforunately my skill with a real guitar only reaches as far as playing 3 or 4 notes and then only in the form of a simple intorductory lesson.

I'm a keen reader and have recently finished reading Long way round and Jupiter's travels, both of which I highly recommend. I also like to read technology books and highly recommend The cathedral & the bazaar.

Last, but definitely not least I am passionate about driving and cars in general. I have grown up fiddling with all things mechanical and this eventually progressed onto fiddling with cars. Unfortunately I don't get to do us much tinkering as I'd like these days what with the complications involved with modern cars, but in the future I'd love to restore a classic car or even built a kit car from scratch.